My services

Here's how we can work together

There are currently 3 ways in which we can work together, they are described below. Note that these services are by application only and limited spots are available. 

Let's do it together

Mentorship & coaching

If you want me to "hold your hand" through the entire process, from nailing your niche, helping you choose the right digital marketing course and support you all the way - my 3-month mentorship might be the right fit for you. 

Want me to set it up for you?

Done for you

This is for you if you want me to do it all FOR you. You purchase a digital marketing course that you want to resell, and choose a store. If you want me to help you setup automation and keywords, we can do this, too. I'll help you do the rest. Includes 2 months of ongoing mentorship.

Let me create YOUR own

Digital Product!

This package is for you if you don't just want to resell someone else's course, or promote affiliate products. Let me create YOUR digital product FOR YOU. You choose the topic, and let me know what problem your digital product is going to solve, and for whom (your ideal client). I also want to know your color code of your branding, and if you have any specific brand fonts. 

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